Auditions & Job Fair

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The NHPTA Auditions and Job Fair offers college-age and adult applicants:

  • Auditions: Acting only; or Musical Theatre (includes dance)
  • Technical/Production/Admin/Business interviews: from carpentry, lighting and sound, costumes, properties, and stage management to box office, marketing, business office; NH theatres employ many cross-disciplinary skills.

The auditions/interviews are scheduled for: Saturday, February 29, 2020. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Location: Palace Youth Theatre’s PINE STREET STUDIOS, Manchester, NH

General auditions and information tables; plus call-back sessions/interviews as scheduled.

Professional member producing companies and their representatives will be in attendance, among them: Advice To The Players, The Barnstormers Theatre, Children’s Stage Adventures, Interlakes Theatre, NCCA/Jean’s Playhouse, New Art Theatre, NH Theatre Project, The Palace Theatre, Seacoast Rep, The Winnipesaukee Playhouse; with more anticipated.

Candidates/Applicants must register online by February 14th.

Registration fee: $20 for all auditioners; non-performing tech & business applicants $15.

Questions: email us at

Registrants will receive confirmation and assigned performance audition time section a week prior to the event. All producing companies will receive all non-performance applications; to be seen in-person, plan on being there from 4:30 – 6 during afternoon callback period.

Acceptance limited to first 120 performance registrants (unlimited technical/job fair applicants)… PLEASE register early. We will have a limited number of standby performer slots. All registration forms will be shared with participating professional theatre companies.

What is required for the audition or interview?

All performance auditions are maximum 90 seconds in length. There will be an accompanist provided for all auditioners opting to sing.

  • Acting Only should present two contrasting monologues
  • Musical theatre performers should present a song and monologue (or two songs and a monologue)

There will be group dance calls for musical theatre performers and dancers.

All participating producing companies will receive all non-performance applications; to be seen in-person, plan on being there from 4:30 – 6 during afternoon callback period; bring portfolio materials and resumes.

Registration fee: $20 for all auditioners; non-performing tech & business applicants $15.


Register online now!

Producers & casting directors, 2019